Cars is a 2006 American animated sports comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film was directed by John Lasseter from a screenplay by Dan Fogelman, Lasseter, Joe Ranft, Kiel Murray, Phil Lorin and Jorgen Klubien and a story by Lasseter, Ranft and Klubien, and was the last film produced independently by Pixar after its purchase by Disney in January from 2006.

Well, it is a movie trailer produced independently by a filmmaker for the sole purpose of illustrating the concept, style, and theme of an upcoming feature film. Put simply, I use pitch trailers to illustrate what I would like to see in an unreleased movie. Sometimes these are franchise movies deep in production, and other times they are movies that Hollywood will probably never make.

Set in a world populated entirely by anthropomorphic talking cars and other vehicles, follows a novice and outstanding race car who, on the way to the most important race of his life, gets stranded in a deteriorating city and learns a few things about friendship, family and the things in life that are truly worth waiting for.

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